In order to collect data on Aganainae I visited several museums.
I thank the trustees of the following museums for granting access to their collections:
- Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universität Berlin, dr. W. Mey,
- Museum Witt, München, dr. Th. Witt,
- Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, dr. R. de Jong,
(National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, Netherlands)
- Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen in Dresden, dr M. Nuss,
- The Natural History Museum in London,
- Zoölogisch Museum van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, afdeling entomologie,
W. Hogenes,
(The Zoological Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Zoologische Staatssammlung München (des Bayerischen Staates) dr. A. Hausmann,
- Collection of Henk van Mastrigt, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
- Plantenziektenkundige Dienst, afdeling diagnostiek, mevr. drs M.J. van der Straten,
Geertjesweg, 6706 EA Wageningen.
(Plant Protection Service, Division diagnostics,
from the Ministry of Agriculture,
Nature and Food Quality, Department entomology)
- Laboratorium voor entomologie van de Universiteit van Wageningen, de heer Y Jongema,
Binnenhaven 7, Bld 511, 6709 PD Wageningen.
(Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University, Plant Sciences)
The entomological department of the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam (ZMA) in cooperation
with the University of Cenderawasih in Jayapura, Indonesia (Uncen) organised an expedition
to several places in Papua.
A lot of data concerning Aganainae of this island were collected.